Route "Wood grouse on the lek"
Hunting "Wood grouse on the lek" is not only significant trophy, but also the long-awaited meeting with the spring, memorable, sometimes unpredictable meetings with the inhabitants of the forest. It is a contact with the mystery of nature awakening. To fully feel the beauty of hunting at the lek and appreciate the whole process you must be individually prepared.
Hunting at the lek in Khakasia is in Tashtyp district. At the same time up to three hunting groups of two people each can be at the lek. 100 % guarantee you will get wood grouse during first three days.
Services: tourist centre, hunting cabin.
It is important to be well trained to walk 10 km per day by difficult terrain.
Dates: April 10-15 - May 10
Tour guide: LLC «Rodnik», P.O. Box 51, 8 Filatova St., apt.1, Abaza, Republic of Khakasia, 655750. Phone/Fax: +7 (390 47) 2 32 81, E-mail:,
2011-2023 (c) ГБУ РХ "Туристский Информационный Центр Республики Хакасия"