Route "Rest in the West Sayan Mountains"
The Route is good for the well trained hunters, who can walk at the distance of 10-15 km per day.
Transportation to the hunting place: by horse, by motor boat, by helicopter.
Staying in a hunting cabin.
Hunting tour duration: 8 -10 days.
Red deer, roe deer - from September 15 to October 10 (roar hunting)
from October 15 to January 15 (approach hunting)
Type of hunting - personally, with the huntsman. Group of 2-4 people
Wild boar - from September 1 to January 15
Type of hunting - personally, with the huntsman. Group of 2-4 people
Bear - from May 1 to May 30 (approach hunting)
from October 10 to February 28 (approach hunting and from den)
Type of hunting - with the huntsman. Group of 2-4 people
Lynx, sable - from October 15 to January 31
Type of hunting - the walk with the huntsman. Group of 2-4 people
Wood grouse on a lek - from May 1 to May 10
Type of hunting - personally, with the huntsman. Group of 3-5 people
Wolf - from May 1 to May 31
from September 1 to February 28
Type of hunting - personally, with the huntsman. Group of 3-5 people
Integrated hunting - hunting for all types of trade animals. Very exciting type of hunting, especially in late October and early November. During this period of the year in the West Sayan mountains usually sunny weather. At night-a light frost, at day- + temperature. This time makes it possible to shoot an animal from a distance of 200-250 meters.
Dates: from October 15 to February 28.
Additional services: You will be accompanied with huntsman. Primary processing, preparing of trophy transportation, preparation of necessary documents. You can buy souvenirs from natural materials (bark, stone) and hunting trophies (red deer antlers crafts, red deer antlers, stuffed birds).
Tour guide: LLC «Rodnik», P.O. Box 51, 8 Filatova St., apt. 1, Abaza, Republic of Khakasia, 655750. Phone/Fax: +7 (390 47) 2 32 81, E-mail:,
2011-2023 (c) ГБУ РХ "Туристский Информационный Центр Республики Хакасия"