A day trip to the Grand Kurgan (Ust-Abakan district of the Republic of Khakassia) - 75 km. from Abakan. Salbyk Kurgan is one of the mysterious places of the Khakassia and the Grand kurgan of the Kings Valley. Grand Salbyk kurgan was built in the 3-4 centuries BC. It is the largest historical and ethnographic monument of the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin.
You will transported to a time when the kurgan was built. Khakassian shaman will accompany this tour.
During the tour, visitors will know more about features of Agriculture and land improvement of Khakassian steppes.
Open-air lunch.
Dates: All year round
Tour guide: LLC Discovery
2011-2023 (c) ГБУ РХ "Туристский Информационный Центр Республики Хакасия"