Route "Never mind the kurgans"
Safronovsky burial ground - the most exotic and scenic burial mound of Khakasia. There are 50 mounds in its field. But the most mysterious of them - four of the kurgan, which are surrounded by fantastically shaped rocks, their height is almost 7 meters. Age burial site is about 2.5 thousands years. All the stones are covered with pictures. The big part is related to shaman culture. They show magic signs, cosmic symbols, figures of people and animals, many family characters. A lot of articles are written about the history of the Safronovsky burial ground. It is a valuable object of cultural heritage not only of Khakasia but the World.
A day tour includes outdoor recreation.
Dates: All year round
Tour guide: LLC "Discovery", 90 T. Shevchenko St., 3rd floor, Abakan, Republic of Khakasia, 655000. Phone/Fax: +7 (390 2) 357-357, 26-05-33, E-mail:, www.discovery-khakasia.
2011-2023 (c) ГБУ РХ "Туристский Информационный Центр Республики Хакасия"