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Khakasiya warm Siberia

Vlasyevo Lake

Vlasyevo Lake


Surface area: 183,7 hectares

Shoreline: 5,6 kilimeters

Depth: maximum 16 meters 

Getting there
80 km from Abakan to Znamenka by the Route M-54. Next, 55 km from Znamenka village to Vlasyevo village. Vlasyevo lake is located in the south of Vlasyevo village.

Where to stay
Wild in the tents or in Vlasyevo village.

What to take along 
If you plan to stay in the tents on the shore, so you should take along water to cock and drink, wood or coal for the fire, anti-mosquito spray and warm clothes.

Things to do
Beach Vocation
The north-west part of the shore is swamped, east and north - sandy, south - precipitous.
The lake freezes in late October - early November, thaws in late April - early May.


Store: Znamenka village, Vlasyevo village, Borets village 
Gas station: Shira village, Vlasyevo village, Borets village, Znamenka village
Link: Beeline, MTS, Megafon, ETK

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