GREAT SALBYK Kurgan (Burial mound)

Location: Ust-Abakan district of the Republic of Khakassia, near with Salbyk village.
GREAT SALBYK Kurgan is one of the most grand and mysterious monuments of Southern Siberia.
Kurgan is the Turkic term for a tumulus.
Khakassia is one of the few regions in the world where the kurgans are sacred places in the local landscape.
Ancient archaeological monument was built anywhere from 5000 BC to 4000 BC. KURGAN has a square shape 70 by 70 meters, made of huge slabs of Devonian sandstone (50-70 tons in weight). This stones are not native to this area, no one knows how they were transported to this valley from Yenisei river bank, that is about 100 km from this site.
The size of this monument can tell us how powerful and majestic was the man who was buried here. And only the history knows that he was Dingling king.
Today the open-air museum has opened its doors for everybody right on the site of the Great Salbyk Kurgan.
2011-2023 (c) ГБУ РХ "Туристский Информационный Центр Республики Хакасия"
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